Mrs. Denise Millan

Mrs. Denise Millan

Mrs. Kathryn Sherer
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kathryn Sherer

Ms. Daydra Roberts
School Counselor
Ms. Daydra Roberts
Woodbine Elementary School provides the foundation for all students to achieve lifelong goals and to contribute to society.
Mission Statement
We will be successful learners in a safe and nurturing school community.
Everyone can learn.
Education is a major building block for success.
Education is the shared responsibility of the school, students, parents, and the community.
Accountability is essential and applies to everyone.
Everyone deserves a safe learning environment.
Strength comes from diversity.
Students have the right to a highly qualified, motivated, and talented teacher who holds high expectations.
Progress comes from willingness to change.
Woodbine Elementary
495 Broadwood Rd.
Woodbine, GA 31569
Phone: (912) 576-5245
School Hours:
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Building opens at 8:00 AM
Mrs. Denise Millan
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kathryn Sherer
School Counselor
Ms. Daydra Roberts