Title I

What is Title I?
Title I is a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which provides federal funds through the Georgia Department of Education to local educational agencies (LEAs) and public schools with high numbers or percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards.

LEAs target the Title I funds they receive to public schools with the highest percentages of children from low-income families. These funds may be used for children from preschool aged to high school. Title I is designed to support State and local school reform efforts tied to challenging State academic standards in order to reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement.

Typically, Title I funds offer smaller class sizes through additional teachers, tutoring services for struggling students, professional learning, additional instructional resources and supplies, as well as parent involvement materials.

Parent resource center logo

Please visit our Parent Resource Center in the library. We have all sorts of learning materials you may check out for practice at home. Our Parent Resource and Media Center hours are 8:30 am - 3:15 pm.
Come check us out!

WES FY'24 School-Parent Compact - p1

What is a School-Parent Compact?

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is on agreement that parents, students, and teochers develop together. It explains how porents and teachers

will work together to moke sure all students reach grode level performonce.

Effective compacts:

  • Link to goals of the school improvement plan

  • Focus on student learning

  • Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction

  • Share specific strategies parents can use at home

  • Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress

  • Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate

  • Jointly Developed

Woodbine Elementary crawfish logo

Revised 8-31-23
Denise Millan, Principal
Keith Ellis, Teaching and Learning Specialist
495 Broadwood Road
Woodbine, GA 31569
(912) 576-5245

The parents, staff, and students of Woodbine Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested at-home learning strategies, parents added ideas to make them more specific, and students told us what would help them learn. Meetings are held each spring to review the compact and make changes based on student needs.

We welcome volunteers back to campus. Training is provided by the school counselor. Contact the school if you would like to volunteer!

Building Partnerships

Help your child achieve their goals in the recognition programs and opportunities listed below:

  • Math Masters

  • Reading Incentive Rewards (AR) Quarterly and End of year Goal - Water Park for students that meet all quarters' goals

  • Dr. Jack Christmas Read Aloud Club (PreK-2nd gr)

  • Camden County Collaborative Conferences (C4)

  • PBIS Kid of the Weok

  • Student of the Month sponsored by TRIDENT Training

Communication About Student Learning

Teachers and Staff at WES are committed to frequent two-way communication with families about student learning. Here are some of the ways you can expect us to reach you:

  • Communication folders

  • Email updates from Class Dojo, Seesaw, and Google Classroom

  • Updates on the school website, Facebook Page, and current grades in PowerSchool

  • C-4 (Camden County Collaborative Conference) meetings and individual conferences by request

We will be successful learners in a safe and nurturing school community.

Our Shared Goals
District Goals

Camden County Schools goals for 2023-2024 are:

  • To increase the percentage of students in grades 3-
    5 meeting proficient or higher on the GMAS ELA

  • EOG from 53% to 56%

  • To increase the percentage of students in grades 3-5 meeting proficient or higher on the GMAS Math
    EOG from 59% to 62%

  • To increase the percentage of students in grades 3-5 meeting proficient or higher on the GMAS Science
    EOG from 64% to 67%
    Woodbine Elementary School Goals

WES Reading Goals:

Mastering foundational skills will enable us to meet our goal:

  • To increase the percentage of students in 3rd-5th grades meeting proficient or higher on the GMAS ELA EOG from 58% to 60%
    WES Math Goal:

Mastering foundational skills will enable us to meet our goal:

  • To increase the percentage of students in 3rd-5th grades meeting proficient or higher on the GMAS Math EOG from 68% to 69%
    WES Attendance Goal:

  • To increase the percentage of students attending with less than 10% days absent (18 days) from 84% to 85%

Together for Success

The graphics below show the grade level foundational skills needed for success.

Foundational Skills - Reading

WES parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students' success in reading and math.

Teacher-School Responsibilities

  • Hold three Collaborative Conferences

  • Hold reading and math goal setting conferences

  • Provide goal sheet to monitor progress

  • Provide reading materials and math resources to use at home to increase reading and math skills

  • Send home school-to-home communication folder daily

Foundational Skills - Math

Family Responsibilities

  • Attend Collaborative Conferences (3 per year)

  • Review the reading and math goal setting sheet with my child

  • Ensure my child reads at least 4 times a week for 20 mins at their reading level and ask/answer comprehension questions

  • Practice math fact fluency with my child weekly

  • Look through school-to-home communication folder daily

  • PreK-2nd: Read at least 10 books with my child each month and complete/sign the Read Aloud

Student Responsibilities

  • Remind and encourage my parents to attend
    Collaborative Conferences

  • Know my reading level and AR goal

  • Read on my reading level for at least 20 mins each day

  • Practice math facts to increase my fluency

  • Become a Math Master (K-5th)

  • Meet AR goals each quarter (1st-5th)

  • Share school to home communication folder daily

  • PreK-2nd: Bring the signed Read Aloud Club book form to my teacher each month

Teachers, Parents, & Students

The graphics below show the grade level foundational skills needed for success.

Foundational Skills - Reading

Pre K


"Recognize and write name.

"Know and produce rhyming words.

Recoanize some letters and

know the sounds.

Know oll letters and their corresponding sounds

"Read and write using phonics skills.

"Recognize high frequency

sight words.

1st Grade - 2nd Grade

3rd - 5th grade

"Read and write using phonics skills.

"Read for fluency and comprehension.

*Recognize sight words.

"Read for fluency and comprehension.

"Write to respond to texts.

Foundational Skills - Math



"Recognize numbers to 10

*Count to 10

"Counting to 100

"Build fluency with addition and subtraction within 5

1st - 2nd Grade

3rd Grade

*Recognize and count- 1st within 100
2nd: within 1,000

"Build fluency with addition and subtraction

within 20

*Build fluency with multiplication and division

"Fluency with addition and subtraction within 1,000

4th Grade

5th Grade

•Continue basic math fact


"Fluency with addition and subtraction with multi - digit whole numbers

"Multiply by multi-digit whole numbers

*Divide by 1-digit divisors "Add/Subtract fractions with like denominators

"Continue basic math fact fluency

"Fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with multi-digit whole

"Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions